March 30, 2022 Dynalink AX3600 WiFi Router Device Firmware v1.10.01.201 Release Notes March 29, 2022 Device firmware v1.10.01.201: New Feature: Auto MTU Setting Option: When WAN type is DHCP, enable this setting to get MTU value from modem automatically when the modem's DHCP server supports DHCP MTU option. If modem's DHCP server does not reply MTU value to router, MTU will be set as 1500 byte. Connected Device Alias Enabled on WebUI:Dynalink APP already support user to give alias to connected devices. We add the same support on WebUI, so the same client showing on APP and WebUI will have the same name. Dynalink Router Alias: You can see the alias on My Dynalink devices list and the default alias is RouterXX (XX is the last 2 digits of SN). If you have multiple Dynalink Routers, giving different alias for each of them is better for management. Moreover, this alias will also be used in Google Home APP and Google assistant voice command to identify which Dynalink Router should execute the command. You can also change the alias to your referred one for asking easier voice command. This setting is only supported on Dynalink APP. Enhancement Protected Management Frame(PMF) Setting Adjust: In this release, PMF will be set to disable as default for both 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands. A PMF selection GUI is also added to WebUI WiFi setting page for advanced users to configure PMF setting. When PMF is enabled, the WiFi management frame is encrypted, so the communication is more secure. However, some older IOT device does not support PMF and cannot connect if PMF is not disabled. So we set it to be disabled by default to avoid interoperability issues. Remove Duplicate PPTP/L2TP Setting Option: User can still use PPTP/L2TP/OpenVPN VPN client function from path: WebUI->Security->VPN client. IOS APP v2.0.11 : Android APP v2.0.11.12: New Feature Dynalink Router Alias: You can see the alias on My Dynalink devices list and the default alias is RouterXX (XX is the last 2 digits of SN). If you have multiple Dynalink Routers, giving different alias for each of them is better for management. Moreover, this alias will also be used in Google Home APP and Google assistant voice command to identify which Dynalink Router should execute the command. You can also change the alias to your referred one for asking easier voice command. This setting is only supported on Dynalink APP. Enhancement UI and flow improvement Please download new APP from APPstore/Playstore, then do firmware upgrade to latest device firmware v1.10.01.201. Please do upgrade both APP and device firmware for the latest SW features and better stability. Share on Facebook Opens in a new window. Tweet on Twitter Opens in a new window. Pin on Pinterest Opens in a new window. Back to blog